Frequently Asked Questions
What is a doula?
As a doula, I offer physical, mental, and emotional support for the birthing person and their partner through the prenatal period, during labor and birth, and postpartum.
My main goal is to help you feel empowered in your new role in parenthood, to be encouraged in your abilities, and to be confident in making informed decisions for you and your family. I will not offer medical advice, but will inform you of your options, lead you to educational resources, facilitate communication between you and your care team, help you develop a birth plan that suits your desires and needs, and remind your team of your preferences, creating a holistic model of care.
When in my pregnancy should I hire a doula?
I've been hired as a doula at 8 weeks and at 37 weeks! I am happy to support you and am confident I have something to offer at each stage of the pregnancy. Hiring me earlier on guarantees that I have the time and space in my calendar to support you and also gives us plenty of time to build a relationship and work together towards your goals!
Who should have a doula?
Whether this is your first child or fifth, whether you are choosing to birth in a hospital setting, a birth center, or at home, I believe that a doula should be included in your birth team! Here's why. Your medical care provider's main priority is the safety and health of you and your baby! They may not have the time or capacity to explain everything that is happening or offer you any kind of comfort measures. This is where a doula can swoop in and make sure you're comfortable, cared for, calm, and informed. Your partner is an integral, familiar support for you in birth as well, but they may not have the clarity of mind to talk you through what is happening or know what to do to support you physically. In this situation, a doula can guide your partner on how to support you, answer their questions, and assure them that those noises and faces you're making are normal. :)
My mom/sister/best friend will be at my birth. Should I still have a doula?
During birth, it is so important to be surrounded by those you love who make you feel safe, calm, and relaxed. However, as a doula, I am professionally trained to guide you into different laboring/birth positions or offer specific hands on techniques based on the stage of labor you're in, to resolve certain kinds of discomfort, or to allow baby to move into optimal position. I believe that doulas, friends, family, and partners can all work together to form the most well rounded birth support team!
When will you join me in labor?
Whenever you ask me to be there! I'll never tell a woman it's too soon or you don't need me. Listen to your intuition and you'll know when a little extra support would be beneficial to you. That being said, communication in labor is key. I'm happy to support you over the phone in the early stages and we can work together to create a game plan for moving forward.
Does a doula replace my partner?
Absolutely not! As a doula, I'll empower your partner to be as involved as they (and you) desire them to be. I'll make sure to show them how to offer comforting touch, give them ideas of what might be encouraging for you to hear, answer their questions, tell them what is happening or what might happen next, and make sure the birth of their baby is an amazing experience for them too!
What happens if you can't come?
In case of sickness or a family emergency, I always make sure to have a backup doula that I know and trust!