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Services and Pricing
*discounts available to repeat clients and friends and family*




  • We discuss any questions you have about me and my role, your desires for your birth, how we will work together during your labor and delivery, practice labor positions, and more!

  • I'm your birth bestie and am available to you 24/7! Call or text me after appointments, if you're wondering if something is normal, or if you just need to vent and process!

  • Informational support, suggestions for resolving discomforts, suggestions for pregnancy specific exercises and movement

  • A customized birth plan that we will create together to address your specific needs and desires


Labor and Birth

  • On call from 36-42 weeks for your birth with backup doula if necessary

  • Physical and emotional support throughout your labor and delivery and 1-2 hours after 

  • Various comfort measures including counter pressure and massage, assisting in labor progress, birth position and movement suggestions, essential oils, visualizations, and breathing techniques 

  • Partner support and suggestions for partner involvement

  • Photo and video of the birth if desired



  • Available to you until 6 weeks postpartum

  • Postpartum visit in your home

  • Recounting and processing your birth experience with you and your partner

  • Written account of your birth story

  • Answering any lingering questions you may have about birth, postpartum healing, breastfeeding, or newborn care

  • Referrals to  external community resources if necessary 

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